Our second half opened with the presentation of the Artists Embassy International Golden Seal Literary Awards being given. The first to be honored was Elizabeth Hack for editing her anthology of contemporary SF Bay Area poets in "Sn Francisco Peace and Hope: Light the Sky." |
Judy Hardin Cheung received an award for her chapbook "Balancing Cycles and Transitions." |
"Glimpses of Life, Love, and Beyond" by Virgilio A. Yuzon of Manila, Philippines was also rewarded. Accepting in his behalf was his brother-in-law, Reuben Brown. Also awarded was Laverne Frith for his new book, "Estuaries of the Mind." Laverne was unable to attend. |
Allegra Silbersteind, Davis, CA, Read her Grand Prize Winning poem, "Circles of Light." |
"Moon-woman cuts a circle of light ? in the misty sky with a golden glow / hiding what lies hehind & beyond--..." |
"Longings for something hidden / in cocoons of woven silk / and darkling dreams catch us--..." Capes were all hand painted by artist Tanya Joyce. |
Allegra Silberstein takes her on stage bow with Tanya Joyce, artist for the cape paintings used in the dance. |
David Robertson, Oakland, CA, reads his poem "Baptism." |
Anita Odena Cruz's poem, "I Live on Guava Street," was read by Pat Doyne. |
Debora K. Tash, San Francisco, CA, reads her "She Breathes Fire." |
"Origin and Space," poem and dance created by Takako Myashita, ikebana artist. |
This dance consisted of the creation of a large ikebana flower arrangement being created on stage. Takako was recently awarded for her ikebana poetry and dance in Thailand where she performed with freshly cut lotus blossoms instead of white hydrangeas. |
Flower arrangement completed, Takako takes a bow with reader Natica Angilly and assistant Wanda Ingmire. |
Cathy Dana, Alameda, CA, read her poem, "Still Not Ready to Say Goodbye." She accepts her award from Judy Hardin Cheung. |
Ellie Dodds, Alameda Learning Center High School Poet Laureate was introduced by Cathy Dana. Cathy is head of the program that honors one or more poets in her high school each year. |
Zee Mink-Fuller, Burleson, TX, reads her "Passion at River's Edge." |
Tanya Joyce, Emeryville, CA, read her "Nine Stanzas for Nine Muses," and Conference of the Birds." |
Fever Dream by Banat El Hoggar Dance Company |
Fever rising in a dream state |
The poem for this dance was read by Alisha Rodrigues and Natica Angilly reading alternate lines. |
Phyllis Meshalum, Sebastopol, CA, read her "I Promise." |
Dara, San Jose, CA, read her "Why do I need you?" |
Lorraine Walker Williams read her prize winning poem "Barns" and her Grand Prize Winning Prize winning poem, "Two Braids: A Sestina." |
"...Her grandmother watches a pattern repeat, / brushing her daughter's hair after a shower, ' wrapping her close, wanting time to stand still..." |
"...voices summon the days, other / dreams fade from light, still / the grandmother showers /love on the child, ..." |
Lorraine Walker Williams takes her on stage bow with the dancers. |
Portraying the existence of a "talking head" newscaster, Lisa Rei gave a very humorous performance |
Carrying us through every emotion we might feel while watching the news, Lisa and her performance partner made us all laugh a lot. |
Jan Dederick, El Cerrito, CA, read, "How to Trap a Poem While Sleeping." |
Nanette Deetz, Alameda, CA, with "Night Eagle." |
Norma King Green, Fairfield, CA, read "Fighting the Paper Tiger." |
John Rowe, El Cerrito, CA, reads his "I Say." |
"Welcome to Wonderland" has become the signature piece for Natica and Richard Angilly's Poetic Dance Theater Company. |
The on stage photo op for all participants and enthusiasts was a glorious ending for a magnificent afternoon. At one point, one person said, "Everyone is on stage. There are only two in the audience and they both have cameras." A joyful ending for an inspirational afternoon of poetry and dance. |
Some poets from Alameda join Nanette Deetz for an after the show photo op. |
A chance to meet and greet the stars from the stage, many people stayed until the theater staff began turning off the light. |